The Good Samaritan Service (GSS)
Awarded "Best Charities in America"
Supporting education of the disadvantaged through scholarships for high school and university students and parallel schools for elementary and middle school students. We also sponsor clinics for the needy in Egypt and South Sudan.

EIN 36-4708333
Tel 832 409 8888

4404 Nancy St
Bellaire, TX 77401
"Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in" (Matthew 25 : 34, 35)

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Highlights of Services
Dry food and clothing drive for families
in need during thanksgiving season.
preparing and giving Christmas Gifts


Cataract operations in
ST. Mary Hospital in Hagganah

GSS scholarship program for outstanding students with limited resources in Upper Egypt
Helps smart and hard working students from poor families to complete their university education and receive a degree as a professional.
Life Saving Dialysis Supporting the disadvantaged kidney failure patients to continues their life saving dialysis sessions despite their limited resources. GSS is collaborating with St. Mary Hospital in El Hagganah, Egypt to provide the resources to save the lives of kidney failure patients who have no coverage or insurance.
"The blind and the lame came to him at the temple, and he healed them." Matthew 21:14
Despite being blind, their hearts are bright and their minds are smart and ready to learn how to live a normal life. We are serving those who are born blind or lost their vision during their childhood.
In collaboration with the True Light Society, help support blind children and adults to have a better life
by teaching them how to read and function to live an independent and productive life. Empower them with small self sustaining business. Most importantly, provide awareness programs to prevent further blindness in the poor villages of upper Egypt.
Please support the blind

Exchanging Poverty with Professionalism
The True Light

Healing comes with a price; a lot
of service, care, effort and financial support. Like the Good Samaritan, we are extending a hand to help the development of hospitals and clinics for treating the needy and the poor who cannot afford the cost of medical care. Presently, we are supporting poor patients suffering from renal failure but cannot afford the cost of their dialysis in poor countries.
Helping Clinics and Hospitals for the Needy

South Sudan Needs Your
Helping the children of South Sudan heal from the fear, hunger, displacement and loss of family members after the civil war. St Mark school is opening its doors to all children between 3-7 years old for revival, spiritual and academic growth. The children also receive a daily meal and clean drinking water during school to prevent malnutrition and diseases among the school children.

Clinic with the True Light service in Aweil. South Sudan
Saving Lives through Oxygen Tanks Service delivered to the homes
of Patients struggling to breath in Assuit

Supporting multiple dental clinics with Dental Equipment for treating those with limited recourses
Contact US
832 409 8888
4404 Nancy St,
Bellaire, TX 77401
Email: goodandsamaritan@gmail.com

Back to School

Helping over 1000 disadvantaged children in Ben Suaf and over 10,000 children in the suburbs of Cairo. We provide school bags, school supplies, hygiene supplies and clothing.